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100% Venneker: Our employees at the heart of success

The Venneker Group not only stands for quality and tradition, but above all for people who stand behind our name with passion and commitment. For over half a century, our employees have been shaping the success of our company with their commitment and expertise. Each individual contributes to the fact that we as a team embody "100% Venneker" and always offer our customers and business partners the best.

Commitment and loyalty: The Venneker Group

A story of success through our employees.

Our employees are our most valuable asset! They all give 100% to Venneker. We have been successful on the market for over 50 years. Customers benefit from the friendliness, open-mindedness and motivation of the Venneker team as well as the partnership-based approach.

Well-being and social benefits at Venneker

Investment in the well-being of our employees.

Our employees benefit from a wide range of advantages that contribute to their well-being and identification with the company. These include flexible working hours, free drinks, fresh fruit, a JobBike, joint events and much more.

Team spirit and creativity: our corporate culture

Family-run harmony meets innovative dynamism.

Als familiengefßhrter Betrieb schätzen wir die Zusammenarbeit im Team, die Kreativität und Ideenvielfalt. Dank unserer harmonischen Atmosphäre mit unterschiedlichen Geschäftsfeldern sind wir ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber.

A strong team in every role

Strong together - in every department.

Wir sind stolz auf unsere Mannschaft. Ob im LKW, in der Werkstatt, im Vertrieb, in der Verwaltung oder in einem anderen Bereich: Sie alle tragen maßgeblich zum Erfolg unseres Unternehmens bei. Alle gemeinsam sind wir ein starker Partner für unsere Kunden und Geschäftspartner.

Our certificates

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